Hallo Fred,

vous ecrit au Mon, 31 Oct 2022 08:27:22 +0000:

> OK, I get it ( had not see the .msetools folder because it was
> hidden).

What? You DID WRITE IT YOURSELF that you had created such a
"folder" (I heartily dislike this denomination), and you presented a
listing of its contents with your last posting!
I thought to remember that it's usually created by mseide-msegui's
installation process, but searching for it, I cannot find it mentioned
anywhere there. So this might have been a wrong reminiscence of mine,
and it should better go somewhere else. But that's not a problem, as
this is STILL an unfinished - and perhaps even unwelcome, project.

> So your idea is to split the po files into a "main_msegui" in
> home/user/.msetools/lang and the "app_lang" po files.

Yes, so to speak. (Although I aimed at .mo files, rather.)

> Yes, of course usefull if you have mainy msegui applications
> installed. I am not sure if I like it inside a hidden folder, I
> prefer open things, but yes, why not.

It pays even if you've only two of them installed. But yes, oh my, I
realize the response: "but memory, especially disk memory, is so cheap
these days"... I'm just not of this crowd.
But it _also_ pays for the application writer - they will no longer
have to create translations for all of the stock items over and over
again, as they can rely on these being pre-translated and ready for
use. (But if need be, they _can_ override them.)
And what about your preference for open things - yes, gladly, what do
you suggest?

> Personnaly I prefer all in one (all files in directory of app) and

This WILL NOT WORK on Windows, AFAIK - they explicitely deny an
application to access data residing in the executable installation
area, I heard. But it was said that there's a sneaky way how the system
fakes such a possibility for unbehaving applications.

> out-of-the-box (no files to be installed outside the folder of app)
> but I know it is not the  accademic Linux way.

No, you know wrong here - it's perfectly possible for an application
_a user installs in his home directory_. It's just not feasible (and
not really useful, nor advisable) to do that for a system wide
Say, someone wanted to install the "msegit" and "msespice" applications
for all users of his machine. Then, they are to be installed so that
- the application executable should go into "/usr/bin" or
- any application specific libraries go into "/usr/lib" or
  "/usr/local/lib" (doesn't apply for fpc applications)
- and system-wide available application specific data usually reside in
  some application directory within "/usr/share" or "/usr/local/share".
- Additionally, USER SPECIFIC data should go into an application
  dependent directory in his home directory, usually "hidden", if
  created directly, or under ".config", which is often predefined, or
  below a special (hidden) directory created by a "sub system" (like
  msegui, i.e. ".msegui", ".msetools" or some such)

Sometimes, an application will be installed in the "/opt" hierarchy,
under "/opt/<application specific directory>", that then contains its
own "bin", "lib" and data subparts, has to manage these itself, and
often provides links to the executable(s) within the common "/usr/bin"
or "/usr/local/bin" directories. E.g. VirtualBox does it that way, or
FreeCAD, if they're not installed by a distribution packet manager.

> But you are right, splitting the po/mo is better way.

Did you get it to _work_ now? You don't tell.

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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