On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 08:34:49AM +0100, Kuba wrote:
> Sorry for asking silly questions, but though being an electrical engineer I
> come from the analog side of the world. I guess cannot achieve the
> mass-erase using the Launchpad-like FET, right? It has to be done with real
> JTAG programmer? Even more (mspdebug manual page) from non-USB one?

The Launchpad/FET programmers are JTAG programmers (though not general
purpose ones -- they're designed to be used with MSP430s only), and you
can perform a mass erase using them. The problem you have can't be
solved this way though, because of the JTAG fuse issue.

The bootstrap loader is an entirely different way of accessing the chip
which reads commands and data via a UART interface. Once you've done a
mass erase via the bootstrap loader, you should be able to access it
again via JTAG (i.e. using the Launchpad/FET).


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