On Wed, 30 Sep 1998 19:00:49 +0200, Laurens Holst wrote:

>When you tell a PC-user that you are making a game, he starts 
>laughing out loud (lol), say the same to a MSX-user, and he 
>replies something like "Oh yeah? Cool! Hey, finish it, eh?"...
But what are they laughing about? About the fact you are 
programming a game? 
Or maybe for the fact you are programming for MSX? 
(If second option, I also know some of these scum-suckers. 
Yeah, they are only-PC users too, how did you know it? 

>Really, the PC-sphere is totally fucked up.
I mostly agree. However, there have been many great games 
that SHOULD have been ported to MSX: Pirates, Airborne 
Ranger, Civilization, Lemmings, Prince of Persia saga...

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