>1 - "Final Fantasy VII": someone (I lost the original EM) said I
>    was criticizing that game without having played it enough.
>    Well, I have finished the first of the four disks, i.e., one

I have said this, but not to you, I said this "in general"
And... at least in Spain, FF7 has only 3 disks.

>    fourth of the game. I liked very much FF5 (Japanese SFC
>    version), so I was meant to give FF7 a chance to become
>    playable... It failed.

No.I liked more FF3 (the one with Kefka, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, ...) than FF7.
But I think that FF7 is excelent, very playable.

>   The damn game sucks to death. 3/4 of
>    the time I spent with it was lost in boring battle modes.

Sorry, but in the game I don't dead 3/4 of time. I like battle modes. They
are like FF1 o Dragon Slayer VI in MSX. I like this battle style.

> It is simply stupid to wander in a pre-rendered scenario and
>    randomly "step on" enemies.

But in a lot of non-computer RPG, random enemies exist.

>    what is before your character's eyes, but the way it is is
>    enough to make it more playable than FF7.

Sorry again, but I think that FF7 is very playable.

About what you said of CRPG, adventure, ...
This is a semantic question. There is not a mathematical definition of this
terms... is fact, CRPG sounds very strange to me. IMHO, a game is an RPG
when you can create a character, and then play an adventure with it. And it
is an adventure when character is created. But this is a semantic question.

>    simulation and pseudo-gravity, what sucks more than FF7. The

Hei again!!! 8-)  FF7 is great!!

>    food and drinking coke. By the way, I H-A-T-E "Doom" and

Me too. DOOM, Duke Nukem, Quake... they are BORING. They are very very
BORING... I think that PC programmers think that a 3D shadowed light gouraud
phong in real time clipped in a 3D spherical window with hardware
acceleracion is fun. I think not... ;-)

>    3D "Tetris" clone? How many enjoyed it? Well, most people

This is an example of an stupid version of a great game...

>    I haven't played). The existing 2D games won't ever be
>    replaced by 3D versions and _new_ 3D games won't please
>    everyone.

I fully agree these words.

>    it is not a good game (it's excellent, indeed), but I still
>    like to play old "Gradius", as I still like to play "Aleste"

Have you seen Contra, for PSX? It is 3D, and I don't like it.

- FF7 is great
- PC games are boring
- DOOM and clones are boring
- FF7 is great
- ;-D

Antoni Burguera Burguera
9D-La Novena Dimensio

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