On Fri, 2 Oct 1998, Leonard Silva de Oliveira wrote:

> > Hi,
> > 
> > This is a rather serious complaint. Please react to this mail/news posting.
> > Although I am ofcourse aware of the copying of software, and have said
> > things about it before, now is as good a time as ever to talk about it.
>  I agree !!! death to all the MSX free-loaders !!!!
>  I think that the active MSX groups should form a council to control the 
> MSX software piracy on digital magazines and other electronic medias
> like
> FTP and HTTP. Some software like games could use a sort of hardware copy
> protection , like a ROM cartridge as part of the package (This would
> make
> the software unusabe on a emulador and uncopyable but allowing to
> install
>  on a HD) 

That can be a big problem for users that don't have a slot expander.
Usually I fill my MSX slots with disk interface and FMPAC. So, if the
protected software uses FMPAC, I will lost many features!

>  About disk copy protections :  They arenīt uncopyable ... so why
> continue
>  with this ? I think that a hardware lock is much more efficient !

Disk copy protections aren't uncopyable? That's an interesting theme for
discussion! Do you know a disk version of the game "BATMAN II (aka Batman
The Movie)"? You can use all available softwares for low-level disk
copying, and you won't obtain a working copy of it!!!

So, I think that copy protections is very good! The problem is that you
need to create specific routines for all kinds of disk interfaces, and you
need to detect what is the current interface being used in the system. So,
that's a transposable problem!

>  Well....   I think you all should think about hardware copyprotections.

That's nothing that can't be cracked! Mozart Basic Compiler from Cibertron
Software uses a hardlock connected to the joystick input, and it was

Greetings from Brazil!

Marco Antonio Simon Dal Poz     http://www.lsi.usp.br/~mdalpoz
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   "The measure of success is the knowledge"

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