> No I don't agree. At last fair in Tilburg we made the effort to sell
> Fighter's Ragnarok from Delta-Z (Japan). We spent a lot of time and money
> in it. It is the best fighting-game on MSX, it has a very good manual and
> we sold just enough to buy the gas to drive home again.

Collin, please. You should have known that before the fair.

What's new here? I have sold several products the last couple of 
fairs, and I am very happy if I even manage to earn back the costs! 
The days when you could make a fair profit on MSX softwares is long, 
long ago. I think Metal Gear 2 English translation was the last big 
hit. Back in 1993 Impact sold over 1000 copies of their Musix Disk 3 -
 those numbers are impossible now.

At the last Zandvoort fair, I sold about 12 copies of PURE, not 
enough to pay for the booth!. It even had a enthusiastic review in a 
big magazine, some net advertising, so people must have known about 
it. If I count the two years of work I spent on it, and all costs I 
had, I think I made a big loss.

(btw. the price was f 10,- for 3 disks in a neat box)

My point is, if you do it only for selling lots of copies and make 
profits, go and develop PC software!


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