At 20:51 03/03/99 +0100, you wrote:
>>Aren't there much more ways of paying from another country ? I'm not
>>in this, but I guess you can also pay by just putting the money on the
>>bank-account...? There must be other ways, as companies and the like
>>would really
>>have BIG problems doing business with foreign countries...
>Nah that costs (from Holland to err.. Germany for example) 7.50 Euro... Bit
>expensive if you buy something of 15 Euro, ain't it??? And you don't speed
>up the delivery...
>>I think it's a little difficult to realize. But also here, I have to say
>>that I don't know
>>too much about these things...
>I think some club should become a "Sunrise" in Brazil (Sunrise Brazil???)
>(And now for Sunrise Japan!!!), just distributing all kinds of products and
>ordering them from Holland/Spain in larger quantities.

        We don't need "Sunrises" spreaded all over the globe. We need people who
wants to work seriously with MSX. Last year, I bought a lot of things with
Gabriel Dabrowski, the "Red Devil" (who lives in Denmark): A Philips
monitor, a Sony HBI-V1 video digitizer, a 4x slotexpander... Lot of things,
I've spend more than US$ 400 with my MSX (again). 

        So, I sent the money by IPO, but I didn't know if Gabriel would take my
money and 'fades out'. And I was right, he's a serious guy, and he sent all
the things to me. After, he told me that the Danish posting rates had been
raised, and if I could send more US$ 15 to him. "Yes, sure.". And I sent.
He was impressed, 'cause I haven't even argued with him. I've just sent the
rest of the money. 

        Unfortunately, due to the US dollar high rates, buying things from foreign
countries had become more difficult 4 us, Brazilians. If we're dishonest
with another MSXfreaks, it's bad 4 everyone: the buyer, the seller, and the
MSX community. So, if we want to keep working with MSX, we need be even
more serious, 'cause of the responsability.

        Note: My group, the BMC (Brazilian MSX Crew) will be selling the products
from Ademir Carchano (AdMouse, mini-slotexpander, Mega-SCSI, the ACE
motherboard) soon.

Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro - ICQ UIN:3635907 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]|_Sola  Scriptura | -M.Sc. Numerical Modelling (hope so!)  |_ Sola Gratia  |
UFF - Niteroi - RJ - Brazil  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]    _|  Sola Fide  |
MSX, ST, B5, X-F, Anime, Christian, Maths, CuD, Linux!_|  Solo Cristi  |
Christian, Rock, Comics, Transformers, and hate M$!  | Soli Deo Gloria |

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