At 10:35 PM 3/11/99 +0100, you wrote:

>I had the schematic for MSX<>PC JoyNet able but I lost the damn thing... Can
>somebody give it to me so I can put it on the official documentation-page???

I posted this design months ago:

JoyNet cable for PC parallel port

  SEND (DIN5 /m)                                           RECV (DIN5 /f)

GND  5 ---------------------------------------+--------------------- 5  GND
D0   1 ----------------------------------+    |     +--------------- 1  D0
D1   2 -------------------------------+  |    |     |  +------------ 2  D1
ACK  3 ----------------------------+  |  |    |     |  |  +--------- 3  ACK
                                   |  |  |    |     |  |  |
                                   |  |  |    |     |  |  |
                                  10  3  2  18-25  13 12  4

                                         PC (DB25 /m)

I don't know if it was accepted into the standard. But I can say that it
works (built one and used it).


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