At 06:28 PM 3/11/99 -0300, you wrote:

>> Sound data for MG2 is quite large (about 80K). Although not all songs are
>> necessary at the same time, the least that is necessary is the replayer,
>> the current song and most sound effects. Not cutting sound in the 256K
>> version must have been close to impossible.
>Using a 720kb disk, wasn't possible to use more 8kb blocks than the
>original number?

There is free space on the disk. But what use would that be?

>> By the way, there are copy protections that can be checked by using only
>> the diskROM. For example, the protection used by Sunrise, which is
>> actually an adapted version of MicroCabin's protection.
>My conversion of R-TYPE to run in Megaram + VRAM (MSX2) does use a similar
>technique. But it's veeeeery slow!

But you only have to check the protection once.
If you make the game fail at a different moment than the check is made,
crackers will have great difficulty removing the protection check. Games
like Gazzel (tower entrance remains shut) and Pumpkin Adventure 3 (asks for
disk that doesn't exist) use that trick.


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