On Thu, 22 Apr 1999 23:58:31 +0200, Mari van den Broek 

>>Sunrise doesn't sell Lilo nor No Name. I don't remind clearly if 
>I also tried to contact KAI several times, but no answers...
As I've told in any other message, KAI didn't used to answer 
messages. This, joined with his lack of knowledge of English 
-I've been the translator of Nuts-, makes him a difficult 

>>Holland Future Disk was temporarily in charge of their
>>distribution, but it seems that Dutch do not favour MSX 
>>games in which appear naked girls :((( (and better: 
>I think you're wrong... maybe they had the wrong "partners" to 
>distribute their software.
I guess not. I won't enter in the way Koen Dols made the 
distribution because I dunno how he did it.
But what I remind clearly was the chat I had with the FKD 
members Jaume Marti and Julio who went to the Bremhorstal 
armed with a plethora of Lilo, No Name and Princess Maker 
-English ver.- at Tilburg'97.

They were astounded-surprised-stoned-amazed-astonished to 
see how the stack of P.M. in English descended faaaaaast and 
the faces of Dutch when seeing a pair of breasts bouncing in 
visual stages. They told me that the public seemed disgusted!!!

>Some time ago I contacted FutureDisk about NoName and 
>they told me that they have quited distributing the game, 
>because of lack of interest doing that!
Lack of interest? Who? Koen or the public?
Because if you try to distribute fine products (and that was a 
really fine product) and you get a really-shy answer even when 
you have spoken very good of the game on the magazines...
(I know what I'm talking about. I'm distributor at Spain.)


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