At 20:32 29-4-99 +0000, you wrote:
>> Anytime I try to acces them, the computer reads the
>> first or second (depending on what drive I'm trying to acces)
>> partition of my harddisk...
>The MSX differs a bit from the PC. On the PC your diskdrives will always
>be drive A: and B:, your 1st HDD partition will be C:.
>Because the IDE interface is initialised 1st on your machine, the 1st
>and 2nd partitions become A: and B: (3rd part will be C:, etc).
>For instance if you have 5 partitions on your HDD, the letters A,B,C,D
>and E will be your HDD partitions, Drive F: and G: will be your floppy
>Hopefully this helps...
all I can say about this is DUH!!!!

I know that... but when I acces drive G I get the contents of drive A
(first hdd partition) and when I acces drive H (normally flopdrive B) I get
the contents of drive B(second active partition on my hdd)

grts, pepijn

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