On 2+ Space Manbow was masked using the hardware masking bit. It hard to
synchronize both enlarged and normal sprite sizes (the enlarged ones for masking).

I found something strange on 2+ though, the complete screen is moved upward by (I
think) 3 pixels. On MSX-2 is correct, but on 2+ Konami made a little error with
this. Anyway, it still is one of the best shoot-em-ups Konami ever made.

Patriek Lesparre schreef:

> >Tha' demo scrolled the screen horizontal!! (just like
> >vdp(24), but then horizontal..) HeXx said it was a
> >lil trick, but he doesn't know what is was.. (as he made
> >tha' a century ago! ;) ).. Well.. Does any1 know how
> >to do tha' trick??
> I suspect it scrolled very smoothly very fast?
> It probably was just screen 4. You can use set adjust to scroll 8 pixels,
> then manually copy the entire left/right one character (8 pixels). This
> will give jerky edges, but you can mask them using sprites.
> Maybe you know Space Manbow was made in screen 4 as well? Although they
> didn't mask the edges with sprites... (although on a 2+ they were masked)
> I can faintly remember Hydefos being in screen 5, but that one scrolled
> very slow so there was enough time to have the VDP copy the screen (every
> interrupt a little piece).
> Greetz,
>                 Patriek
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