
> However, one problemo...
> When I set the adjust while a VDP-command is executing, there appear some
> 'noise'-pixels on the screen. I can avoid that to happen by exact timing of
> my COPY's (execute them right after the V_BLANK-interrupt), but I would like
> that different (because it will also decrease the time left for other
> copies, i.e. the displaying of the character).
> Does anyone know a solution for that???

  These random flickering pixels are a pretty well-known phenomenon.
They appear whenever you change r#18 (Set Adjust register), while the
VDP is executing a COPY-command. Knowing this, the solution is obvious.
Just change change r#18 *before* you give the COPY commands or *after*
the COPY-commands have been executed.

  Bye, /\/\ark

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