>> Is there any good text editor with variable tabs per line (for assembler
>> readibility's sake!)?
>Well if you want a text-editor I suggest Ted, very good although it has
>Dutch menus, which may be a problem (but I think not).

Why is it not available in plain english? It's not a big problem but feels
a bit  uncomfortable and gives software a bit too much of a "public domain"

>But if you're programming assembler: GO GET COMPASS!!!
>(Yes, I'm shouting!)

I'll have a dekko at it (now I'm deaf btw!) 8;)

>??? So you want different TAB settings per instruction???

My message was messed up (by your reader or my poster). I don't want
different tabs per instruction but per line field.

        LD   A,B      ; BAR

That is, something like 8 spaces per colonless label (so you can fit it in
the same line), 5 per instruction (the longer mnemonics HALT, DJNZ, etc.
have 4 chars) and a suitable space for comments without touching the
instruction paramenters.

>Well, if you want readability I suggest you drop your entire current layout
>and go start a new one:

Mmm... me and the lot of 6502/Z80 coders back in the very early 80s were
using that layout! See Terminator part 1 robot listings 8;)

>Foobar: ld    a,b
>        djnz  Foobar
>Some prefer to have the labels on seperate lines because it's easier when
>inserting/deleting instructions but I don't; the CTRL-L keycode of Compass
>is very useful.

Just like me! It's a bit messier if you have a poor editor, which is not
our case, huh? 8;)

>Also, I use lowercase characters for the code (but uppercase is nice too),
>and lower+uppercase-characters for Program-labels (like Foobar), and
>uppercade-labels for data:
>DATA:   DB    #FF

Well, it's almost mandatory to use lowercase for 68000-like assembler,
since it resembles a high level language:

FooBarLongLabel movem.l d0-d3/a0-a2/a5,-(sp)   * Foo bar loong comment
                eori.b  #$25,$22(a0,d0.l)      * Foo bar looonger comment

That in uppercase would be DEADLY!

But I personally prefer 8-bit assembler in uppercase. It looks more
consistent, and opcodes ain't that messy to become unreadable. Again, see
Terminator. Robot listins wouldn't be as impressive in lowercase 8;)

>I really hope you take over these programming-habits because it really makes
>your source much easier to read, it really makes a difference!

As I've said it was a problem of TAB conversion between our mailing
programs. My habits are just "classic" early 80s stuff: uppercase &
varitabs. Nothing that messy. They were actually stroking listings on
teletypes so the code had to be real readable! *:D

And btw I'm quite proud of my crystal clear assembler. I even don't put a
single comment mixed with my code if it's not a matter of life/death! I
prefer a short and clear header description, clear labels and equates, the
right amount of "air" and choosing only the best way to do things (there's
only one, so there's no chance of misunderstanding).

I also prefer notes, diagrams and algorithms off the source, even though
I'm proud of my ASCII art 8;)

Kiss you lot.

        MARK 2

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