>I'm not sure what I'm looking at is the same you typed. You used TABs in
>this e-mail and my reader may have a different tab width than yours.
>This is what I see (I replaced tabs by spaces):

It's not the same, so I'll drop tabs further on for assembler.

>The format I use:
>          LD   A,B
>          DJNZ FOORBAR
>Never label and code on a single line. It's practical when inserting a
>line, removing a line or cutting/pasting lines.

Nice to see everyone has its own definite style. Personally I'm pretty
demanding and always work with an editor capable of dealing with labels +
code on a single line in a comfortable way (like the fab DevPac editors for
ST & Amiga).

For me the air in the sources is the most important issue when it comes to
readibility, and I find separate labels a bit confusing.

As the most edited labelled lines are the first of the subroutines, I
usually use separate labels just this way:

        ; E: FOO FOO FOO FOO
        ; M: BAR BAR BAR BAR

        LD      A,(FOO_VAR)
        DEC     A
        JR      NZ,USELESS

I'm practical, but visually appealing 8:)

>By the way, MS Word can do variable tabs, but I don't think it qualifies as
>a  good text editor... ;)

Definitely not 8:)

        MARK 2

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