> >"environment strings and disk transfer areas must be in the mapper RAM
> slot."
> ...

> Is there a workaround for this problem ?


you must allocate a primary mapper segment for your disktransfers or use
a TPA segment for that purpose. And copy the data to another
non-primarymapper segment if needed.

(TPA segments are the segments that are paged in when you enter the
COMfile. They are always situated in the primary mapper and thus will do
fine for disktransfers. Their mappernumbers must be read out trough
'legal' ways (most of the time, these are 3,2,1&0, but this must not be
assumed!). In DOS1 they ARE 3,2,1,0 since there is no other way to
figure this out. (NO MAPPERPORTREADING!))

I was wondering: can you assume the mappernumber of page 3 to be zero in
all circumstances (the specs say that you never should alter page3)?

Jon - it's getting time to set up detailed information about the MSX

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