
>attack him a piece of floor falls away. So far so good, but everytime I hit
>him his life only decreases a tiny little bit. I remember something about
>that he can only be hurt using a weapon made of 'caerial' (or something 
>that). I have a flame-sword now, but I don't think that's the weapon,
>because it's still too weak.
>So now my question: what to do now???

If you'd followed the storyline a little more carefully, you should have 
known that after the rise of the continent of Ys the metal cleria was again 
excavated, but now under the name 'silver'. In other words, equip your 
silver equipment and try again. Doing so, you can cause a lot more damage 
and damage to yourself will be less. Oh, and in case you get stuck again 
after defeating Dark Fact, you can read the books of Ys by pressing the 
R-key. Select 'Fact's Chapter' and the enddemo will start. Possibly you knew 
already, but now you know it anyway.

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