Hello ppl...

Today my eyes fell on a Z80 instruction set again... My attention this time
went to the IM 0, IM 1 and IM 2 instructions... I never used them, and I
think I can say no one ever used 'em, but I just wanted to know how they
work... Normally the MSX uses IM (Interrupt Mode) 1.. This means that a
restart is made to address $38 (RST 38h). Interrupt mode 0 is like the
8080A, but my attention fell on the IM 2 instruction... This uses register I
and a random number to jump to a location... I started coding a routine that
uses IM 2, and I did it to jump to the location I wanted, only the strange
thing is, is that if I enable the IM 2 and then end my ASM program the
interrupt works perfectly, though when returned to BASIC, it ONLY executed
the interrupt, and for the rest noting, but when I don't end the ASM code,
the IM doesn't work... What I did was I enabled the IM 2 then I read a key,
and then returned to BASIC. But after the IM 2 was enabled, it executed it
once, then did nothing, and after I pressed a key (and returned to BASIC) it

How come??

Is it possible to continue the IM 2, while still executing the ASM code?
Does anyone know more about these Interrupt modes? (e.g. IM 0?)


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