>Though, when you build such a device you should make sure
> you only have one such device in your computer. If you put a second one in
> the second cartridge slot for example, you will get bus conflicts if they
> generate an interrupt at the same time... Or to be more precise, if they
> generate an interrupt before the Z80 acknowledges it (the interrupt does
> get acknowledged as long as the Z80 is in DI mode...)

IMO this is not completely true. I found the device at the end of this email in a book about Z80 assembler. It has 4 switches each combined with a R-S flipflop (based on 2 NAND ports). When switch s0 is pressed, input 0 of the 8to3 encoder (74148) becomes low. Outputs A, B and C become high. OE' becomes low and this triggers the J-K flipflop (74LS73). Q' becomes low and thus INT' also becomes low and a interrupt is requested.
When the Z80 acknowledges it ( by lowering M1' and IORQ' ), the busdriver (74367) puts the data on the bus (in this case FEh) and the J-K flipflop is reset.
s0 -> interrupt FE
s1->  interrupt FC
s2->  interrupt FA
s3->  interrupt F8  
Each switch can thus execute a different interruptroutine.
A program example:
LD 1BFE, HL                        ; to int. vector FEh
LD 1BFC, HL                        ; to int. vector FCh
LD 1BFA, HL                        ; to int. vector FAh
LD 1BF8, HL                        ; to int. vector F8h
IM 2                                    ; interrupt mode 2
LD A, 1B                             ; MSB of int. vector table
LD I,A                                 ; Put it in int. register  
DISCLAIMER: I didn't test the circuit, it neither is specificly designed for a MSX. But I think it should work.
Greetings Richard
PS You need the font "courrier" (and your imagination) the read the circuit below.
                                           |7  E'     |          74367
               7400                        |6         |
             _________                     |5        C|        _________
       _____|I1       |                    |4         |        |       |
       |    |  NAND O1|____________________|3        B|________|I2   O2|______D2
       |  __|I2       | |  ________________|2         |        |       |
       .  | |---------| |  |   ____________|1        A|________|I1   O1|______D1
    s3/   \  ___________|  |  |  __________|0         |        |       |
gnd--/     \/              |  |  |         |          |    gnd_|I0   O0|______D0
           /\___________   |  |  |         | OE'  OE  |        |       |
       .  /  _________  |  |  |  |         --|---------        | CE'   |
       |  |_|I1       | |  |  |  |      _____| __________      ---|-----
       |    |  NAND O1|_|  |  |  |      |      |         |        |
       |____|I2       |    |  |  |      |  +5V-|J      Q |        |
            |---------|    |  |  |      |------|>        |        |
                           |  |  |         gnd-|K      Q'|--INT'  |
                           |  |  |             |   CLK   |        |
             _________     |  |  |             |---------|        |
       _____|I1       |    |  |  |                 |______________|
       |    |  NAND O1|____|  |  |                          |       7432
       |  __|I2       | |     |  |               ^          |    _________
       .  | |---------| |     |  |               |          |    |     I1|_M1'
    s2/   \  ___________|     |  |             74LS73       |____|O1 OR  |
gnd--/     \/                 |  |                               |     I2|_IORQ'
           /\___________      |  |                               |-------|
       .  /  _________  |     |  |
       |  |_|I1       | |     |  |
       |    |  NAND O1|_|     |  |
       |____|I2       |       |  |
            |---------|       |  |
                              |  |
                              |  |
                              |  |
                              |  |
             _________        |  |
       _____|I1       |       |  |
       |    |  NAND O1|_______|  |
       |  __|I2       | |        |
       .  | |---------| |        |
    s1/   \  ___________|        |
gnd--/     \/                    |
           /\___________         |
       .  /  _________  |        |
       |  |_|I1       | |        |
       |    |  NAND O1|_|        |
       |____|I2       |          |
            |---------|          |
             _________           |
       _____|I1       |          |
       |    |  NAND O1|__________|
       |  __|I2       | |
       .  | |---------| |
    s0/   \  ___________|
gnd--/     \/
       .  /  _________  |
       |  |_|I1       | |
       |    |  NAND O1|_|
       |____|I2       |

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