----- Original Message ----- 
From: Francisco Alvarez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2000 10:02
Subject: Re: EVAIDE 0.03b


> >> Where can I find more info on the EVA file format, and perhaps an AVI /
> >> MPEG -> EVA converter???
>  P'L> try: http://www.palmtop.net/supernew.html and search for "EVA". You'll
>  P'L> get enough links. Among which the following:
>  P'L>    http://www.palmtop.net/anonftp/pub/a2e02a3.zip (avi to eva 
>  P'L>  converter)
>  P'L> and
>  P'L>    http://www.palmtop.net/anonftp/pub/eva5fmt.zip (a textfile 
>  P'L>  concerning
>  P'L>    the EVA5 file format)
>  Eins???
>  This EVA format is for palmtop!!!!!! not for MSX!!!
>  The MSX file format has more quality! (not 96*92 pixels!)
>  If you (for all) are looking for info from EVA format you can ask to any
>  japanese MSX user (IKEDA?) who read this list.

Very confusing all these different EVA fileformats.. Isn't there _any_
similarity between them? And why not publish the fileformat, so
everybody can implement some software, instead of looking for it
in all the wrong places (like me!)

If there is anybody who know's this format, please post some info
about it to the list.. I think you'll make a lot of people happy!


   Patrick 'Patsie' Lina.

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