Hi, again.

  First at all, to say that my previous message was "a bit" exagerated. As
someone asked us "to react" about the "new MSX"  news, that's what I did.

 The news about MSX, is very interesting, and we are happy. But some things
are still not clear, and could be done better.

 I pretended to WARN people, to not forget the MSX story during these past
15 years. Don't make the same mistakes again.

                Daniel Zorita

= = =

Detailed replies:

> Of course. Who has forgotten the amateur groups?
Nobody by the moment. But if MSX returns to commercial scene, it may happen.
Hope not. But must be ready...

> I think that if ASCII havenīt seen the work of amateur groups they never
> thought in the possibility of release a new MSX.
I'm not sure of that. Do you know any group that has been asked by ASCII ??
I think that only a few Japanese groups -fortunately- contacted ASCII.

> Yes! ASCII is a company!!!!!! You didnīt know it?
Yes, so, let's start to deal them as a company. Ask them to put a lot of
money for developing. Can you imagine "Intel" makes a emulator of PENTIUM-4
before building it ?

> No. One emulator for me is enough... If new MSX finally doesnīt appear we
> will  be very happy with this new emulator...

Yes, I agree. Any thing will be nice, as we are customed to nothing.
But only an emulator ... and now that there are a lot of nice MSX emulators
We hope a real new MSX, not only a emulator. Everybody (if is an expert )
can make an emulator. But who can make a new computer ?

> I have no memory problems. And itīs said that new MSX will be backward
> compatible.
> So Msound, GFX9000, Mscsi, bla bla bla, bla bla bla, will work fine in
this new
> machine.

I wish you are right. I wish it will be 100% HW compatible with MSX.
But I am still not sure.
If any technical feature is disabled, and some HW is not compatible with new
MSX, it will be a disaster !!
I guess that it will be compatible with games cartridges.
But we need it is compatible to devices like Mscsi, IDE, Msound, etc.

> > expansions, amateur NICE games, NICE magazines ??
> > So easy to forget what happened with Europe & South America about MSX 2+
> > Turbo- R ?
> Thatīs past.
> > News from Japan is nice, but DON'T forget what really happened to MSX
> > from 1980's. Where has ASCII been this time ? Where Konami was ?
> Thatīs history.

Yes, that's past, and that's history.
But the history repeats itself, mainly if people "forget".
And I don't like the history of MSX to happen again ( the causes that made
the MSX dissapear from the official scene)

> But have not Ag0ny and Japanese users talked with ASCII?
Fortunately YES. And thanks to them, we have a few information.
But I don't know if they can discuss technical features to ASCII.

> > They are TOO GOOD for us. We are so poor, than we only must give them
> > ears, and our money.
> ????????
> > They are TOO CLEVER for us  ( ... or may be anybody from us is TOO
> > for them, to say how things must be done ... )
> ????????

> > A new MSX is nice, but I'm afraid that a BETTER NEW MSX is possible.
> Yes. Always things can be better than they are...

For example, Sega videoconsoles, except last one.
I wish a new MSX is so good computer as Sega's Dreamcast is so good console.

> Amateur groups maybe could be professional groups (SW and HW developers).
> Havenīt you thought this?
Yes, but big software companies will try to get the market, and keep amateur
groups away.
Another trouble is that if new MSX is focused at Japan, only japanese groups
can convert into professional.

> > Why "don't get" why a new MSX will be still a 8-bits Z80 ??
> Yes, you can also have made this question in 1985, 1988 and 1990.

And I will make it again in the 2000, 2010, 2020 ... "Why don't make a 32
bit MSX ?? "

> > Why don't think that maybe a poor PSX-1 is still more powerful than a
> > Even a Gameboy VDP is more powerful !
> I donīt think so.

Hope you are right again.
But if the new MSX keeps the MSX 2+ VDP, it is too pour.
Even Gameboy can handle more sprites, and easy scroll.

> > In your opinion, what shoud we do ??
> > Going out to the street, get nacked, and dance until the new MSX appears
> Yes!!! I like dancing!!!!

OK !, let's make a Carnival about MSX !! Surely brazilian people is the most
proper for that !!

>> And that the new MSX may be a "MSX Turbo-R-Plus".

> I prefer call it MSX3...

But why don't do the same than Netscape, who passed from Navigator v4.* to
Navigator 6 ??
MSX-4 sounds nice. And MSX-5 ??

 Well, that's all.
So, it's the time for POSITIVE PEOPLE. Please write just now !!
Don't let me be right !!!


            Daniel Zorita.

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