
Today I will (try to) upload all my MSX Den-Yu Land photographs to FUNet.
I hope there will be no problem in uploading 60 640x480 JPG files....

Tristan, I will make an appropriate directory in /incoming. Something like
Please put it online today or tomorrow, in photos/MSX Den-Yu Land 2000/ or

And thanks to Mr. Inaba for using his camera, his expensive telephone line
account for uploading, his accompanying me and his patience during the
event. Also thanks to Mr. Ido for his patience during the event and
accompanying me (and for paying for our lunch and my dinner that day...!)

Best regards,


PS: MSX 4 EVER! (Questions? See: http://www.faq.msxnet.org/)
PPS: Visit my home page at http://bilderbeek.cjb.net/

Problems? contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] See also http://www.faq.msxnet.org/

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