> Hm, on the other hand, the main reason why people *do* copy CDs is the fact
> the prices are so ridiculously high!  Same holds for software...

In the case of software that's even more the case.
I am often willing to pay 40 guilders for an original CD because then I get a
nice CD and box etc. and it will support the group who has created the CD. But
paying !whello! 100 guilders!!! for a game I will probably only play for a week
or so??? No way. The only game I know I have really played for a long time and
am playing again was Final Fantasy VII (which I have bought).

Okay this is REALLY getting off-topic (oh jolly fun fun).

Anyways I rather see MSX-Player as a kind of 'campaign'. And if the MSX-Player
is distributed in mass (it's free so that shouldn't be too big a problem), and
the fee's on the MSX-Server are low (or not there at all for old games), then I
definately think it could become a success... As long as the marketing-job is
handles well and the MSX-Player isn't too slow (I believe you currently need a
state-of-the-art PDA to be able to use it, the other PDA's are too slow! I think
that might pose a problem).


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