[UZIX = dead]

> > Hmmm, what about the Novaxis SCSI support? :-)
> That's a limitation of UZIX32k that I want to break. :)

Ah Ok :-)

> How much people here would like to help such project?

I would, definitely.

> In two years that the UZIX site is up, two or three guys really
> asked me for infos about making applications for UZIX, etc.

Well, the main reasons why I didn't try to contact you about
application development included:

(1) Lack of time
(2) You showed no intention of releasing *anything* of
    UZIX, except the one-big-binary-package. That made it rather
    hard for me to decide whether it would be useful for me to put
    time and effort in UZIX related development.
(3) UZIX doesn't run comfortably on my machine - running
    from flop is **s**l**o**w** and my HD interface was not
    supported (heheh ;-))

At the moment a (4) kicks in: I've got RSI, which largely limits
my possiblilities to type - and try doing any development without
typing :-/


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