>, Richard Atkinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>If anyone in the UK is thinking about obtaining some of these chips, send
>me a mail - I'm looking into doing a similar sort of thing for a UK order.
>A CX5MII/128 with a video chip two generations more advanced would be
>quite amusing :)

How much are they again?

Anyway, the CX5MII/128 doesn't have enough VRAM to make use of it's
9938, let alone a 9958 :) However, I'm interested in one or two perhaps,
for my potential YIS-805 - a Yamaha MSX2 with music (replacing the
network module) and painter, in a separate keyboard case, and upgraded
to MSX2+!

If you look at the motherboard of your CX5MII, you'll see empty sockets
on the motherboard (I've just had both mine apart to clean them, and
straighten the keyboard on one of them, it must have had a weight on it
once!), I think you should be interested in ic301-308 - these are for
64K VRAM. You then replace the two 16K VRAMs on the daughterboard with
the 41464s. Jipe's instructions are pretty clear, even if the scanned
tech schematics aren't on the location of 4 of those VRAM chips (most of
them are under the VRAM board).

I didn't remove either of the daughterboards or the video output board
on mine, so I am curious - where is the 9938 located, and is it


Classic Computers: Atari 800XL - Rescue on Fractalus!  |\      _,,,---,,_
Yamaha CX5MII/128 - Music and MSX! Compaq 386 MIDI    /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,
Apples?         |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'::.
Last found? Tandy 102 in my office drawer!         '----''(_/--'  `-'\_)Morticia
For info, see

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