Alex Wulms wrote, in reply to Richard Atkinson:
>] generations too early. Also, do not *ever* run Marat software. Do I need
>] to explain this one? ;)
>Why is everybody picking so much on Marat?

Because he's an evil megalomaniac greedy thinks-he-knows-it-all asshole. Do 
I really need to explain this?!

My first encounter with Marat was many many years ago when I first 
discovered VGB-DOS that at that time could only play a few games, and 
glitchy at that.
Since that time, my opinion of Marat has changed from "wow, this is the 
coolest guy alive" to the one I wrote just now. For me, it has many 
reasons. I'm sure other people have other reasons...

>Note that fMSX is the father of many other MSX emulators that currently
>exist. Even the much heralded NLMSX is derived from fMSX.

I wouldn't exactly call that a good thing. I'd call it inbreed!
Although AFAIK NLMSX doesn't contain much, if any, fMSX code anymore.

No, I'm very glad a new MSX emulator is being developed that will stop the 
senseless cloning of fMSX! *hint hint*


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