Herbert Ackermans wrote:
It is a sign of childish behaviour, that when you can not settle differences
with a specific group, MRC in this case, you start venting it on all other
non-related forums, lists and newsgroups.

I would agree with that I don't think this is the best way to go. On the other hand, the MRC itself basically silenced him so on the one place where this would be considered on-topic is not an option.

Besides, your initial reply wasn't very mature either.

That is incredibly childish and immature. Even the way Patriek seems to have
to resort to threatening to quit,

Oh? Where?

Any mature and complete person would have said:"I'm the bigger man, and I
will put this aside me."

Alas, this is not true. May I remind you of the recent case in Dutch politics, where Pronk called sending asile seekers home 'deportation', and ministre Verdonk subsequently refused to talk to him and his foundation until he resigned? As you see, grown men, mature and complete persons (I hope, as one of them is reigning our country and the other used to), yet still engaging in a public mudfight about one word (which wasn't at all that much off reality, people don't leave their country and homes for the fun of it. But that's a different topic :))...

Seriously, if you think this is truely the case, you must be pretty blind to reality. This happens all the time, just read the newspaper (and the tabloids :)), and disagreements between groups have also always been part of MSX history. And as I said before, not everyone employs the same amount of tact. It is human nature. Live with it.

Well, fine, but that's not going to solve the problem he has with ONE
specific group.

I think you are probably right on that. That's why I expressed some doubt.

However, on the other hand posting about it in a public forum also makes sense. If he alone says to the MRC that their policy sucks, nothing will change. If there are other people who agree with that however, they can make a 'front'. Maybe the MRC will then see that it is not 'just' Guyver. It is frustrating to see something which is not right, and having to stand alone in making a case of it. I experienced that myself a few years ago at my work (although I did get my way in the end - somewhat :)). It was especially annoying to see that others raised the *exact* same objections a year later. 'Why didn't they say so when it concerned *me*!', was my general line of thought.

And as it is a matter which concerns the prime MSX forum and news site's policy and application of censorship, I would agree it is definately an issue that concerns 'the public'.

And if that group hurts him so bad, why continue going there? Slight
symptoms of masochistic tendencies? ;-)

The MRC is the center of most MSX related news and discussion nowadays. Stop frequenting the MRC basically means isolating yourself from the MSX community. So don't make such a thing sound like a trivial decision.


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