I'm working on an algorithm with some user controlled "presets" that
adjust various IIR filters under the hood.  This generally works fine,
but I get pops and glitches when switching between certain settings.
The filters that are causing trouble are typically second order hipass
filters with a sub 100Hz cutoff, but with some settings the filters
reconfigure to peaking, shelf and first order hipass types.  Generally
the problem is most noticeable when changing between types.

This appears to be a simple matter of the internal states of the
filter being un-normalized and so large gain chances of the state
variables can occur when coefficients are adjusted.  I read through
some old Music-DSP posts on this topic, but I didn't find a solution
that fit my needs.

I'm using 1 pole coefficient smoothing, which helps reduce the
glitches but definitely doesn't get rid of them.  Currently I'm using
DF2 transpose filter topology.  I also tried lattice and a couple
others topologies, but overall that didn't improve things and in some
cases was worse.

If I only needed a second order hipass then I would think a Chamberlin
State Variable Filter would be my best bet, since I found it to be
very adept at handling coefficient changes.  But I'm not sure it will
work for me, since it's not a fully generally filter topology.  I've
looked at using the Kingsbury topology which is very similar in form
to Chamberlin, but has poles that are generalized.  Apparently
Kingsbury's filter is all-pole (no zeros), so would need to tack on
some zeros to make it fully general, but then I'm not sure it would
maintain the nice properties of the Chamberlin filter.

I've also looked at using a ladder filter, which seems like it would
totally solve my problem, since all of the internal states are
normalized.  The only downside is that it's about double the
computational cost of most other filter topologies.

There's also the possibility of renormalizing the filter states every
time the coefficients are updated, but that seems complicated and
costly in terms of CPU, since the smoothing updates the coefficients
at a fairly high rate.

I'm also seeing some coefficient quantization issues at high sample
rates, when using DF2T, because I'm dealing with low cutoff
frequencies and using single precision floats.  It looks like
Chamberlin, Kingsbury or Ladder would also perform much better in that

Any ideas?  Recommendations?

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