Hi Doug-

To address some of your general questions about Fourier analysis and
relationship to sampling theory:

Broadly speaking any reasonably well-behaved signal can be decomposed into
a sum of sinusoids (actually complex exponentials but don't worry about
that detail for now). There are several flavors of Fourier analysis
corresponding to different classes of signals. I.e., there are variants for
continuous-time signals and discrete-time signals, and also for periodic
signals and general signals. For the case of periodic signals you use
what's called the Fourier Series (there you add up harmonic components),
for general signals you use the Fourier Transform (this uses both harmonic
and inharmonic components). The key difference between discrete time and
continuous time from a Fourier analysis perspective (either series or
transform) is that continuous time signals can have arbitrarily high
frequencies, but discrete-time signals can only admit a finite bandwidth
(related to the sampling rate).

So in all cases of Fourier analysis, we're decomposing the signal into
sinusoids. As you have noted, sinusoids all extend off to +/- infinity. You
are correct to note that this corresponds to steady-state analysis, when
used in for example a circuit analysis context. One consequence of this is
that any perfectly bandlimited signal, like in the Sampling Theorem, also
has to extend to +/- infinity. The other way around is also true: any
signal that only lasts a finite length of time must contain frequencies all
the way up to infinity. So, strictly speaking, it is true that the
conditions of the Sampling Theorem cannot ever be truly fulfilled in
practice, since all practical signals are necessarily time-limited. There
is *always* theoretically some level of aliasing in practice because of the
time-limiting constraint.

But it turns out that this doesn't present much of a difficulty in
practice. To see why, consider another question you raised: if arbitrary
signals can be decomposed into sums of sinusoids that all repeat off to
infinity, how do we represent signals that are concentrated in a particular
time, or have frequency components that turn off midway through, etc.? It's
easy enough to prove that the Fourier transform is invertible - i.e., that
all of the information in the signal is contained in the sinusoidal
parameters - but where does all that time information go? It turns out that
it gets folded into the relationship between the amplitudes and phases of
the various sinusoids in a complicated way - the information is still there
and recoverable, but it's not usually easy to discern from looking at the
output of the Fourier transform. For a signal where a given frequency
"turns on" at some particular time, the transform is only going to give you
a single parameter for that frequency, corresponding to the average energy
over all time. The information about it turning on and off shows up at
"sidelobes" around the frequency in question. Likewise, the time signal
already contains all the information about the sinusoid parameters, folded
up in a way that's hard to see.

Why does that help us with the Sampling Theorem? Well, it turns out that
while perfectly bandlimited signals can't also be perfectly time-limited,
they *can* still have they're energy concentrated in one place in time.
They don't ever go to zero and stay there, but they can die off, even quite
strongly. The pertinent example here is the sinc signal, which is the ideal
reconstruction filter used in the Sampling Theorem. This signal has energy
concentrated at time 0, and falls off as 1/n from there. So if we truncate
such a signal at some reasonable length, we can capture nearly all of its
energy. And then if we take the Fourier Transform of the truncated signal,
we will see that it is no longer perfectly bandlimited, but the energy in
the signal outside the desired bandwidth will be very low. We can get
further control over this by using a window instead of simply truncating
(or even fancier ideas), but you get the general idea. In engineering
terms, it's possible to build reconstruction filters with reasonable delay
and very good stopband rejection - 100dB and beyond, pretty much the useful
range of human hearing. In practice it is not the finite-time constraint on
stopband rejection that limits sampling performance, but rather other more
arcane circuits and systems considerations.


On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 10:07 PM, Doug Houghton

> so is there a requirement for the signal to be periodic? or can any series
> of numbers be cnsidered periodic if it is bandlimited, or infinit?
>  Periodic is the best word I can come up with.
> --
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