hey guys,
what's the best online reference you can tell me for theory and practice of 
designing APF pairs with � 45� phase (+ a linear phase that represents 
causality delay)�to result in a Hilbert pair for audio processing. �i know how 
to do this for FIR
and to use half-band symmetry, but i wanna make a MATLAB program where i can 
specify order and come up with an optimal pair of IIR APFs that have virtually 
90� phase difference over the widest possible frequency range. �also some 
discussion of error metric would be good (how do we decide
what is "optimal"?). �eventually, i wanna compare computational effort with the 
half-band FIR Hilbert transformer.
anyone have a good, definitive reference?
r b-j � � � � � � � �
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
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