On 02/05/2017 07:52 PM, robert bristow-johnson wrote:

 > I'm curious what aspects of a music make the complex magnitude of the
analytic signal inappropriate for estimating the envelope? In
communications signal processing we use this often, even for signals
that are fairly wide-band with respect to the sample rate and it seems
to work.

well, with a single sinusoid, there should be no intermodulation product
so the analytic envelope should be exactly correct.  but consider:

     x(t)  =  g1(t) cos(w1 t)  + g2(t) cos(w2 t)

which has for it's Hilbert

y(t)  =  g1(t) sin(w1 t)  + g2(t) sin(w2 t)

and analytic signal
     a(t)  =  x(t) + j y(t)

     a(t)  =  g1(t) cos(w1 t)  + g2(t) cos(w2 t) + j( g1(t) sin(w1 t)  +
g2(t) sin(w2 t) )

     |a(t)|^2  =  |g1(t)|^2  +  |g2(t)|^2  +  2 g1(t) g2(t) cos( (w1-w2) t )
the last term on the right needs to be sorta filtered out with a LPF to
get the correct square of envelope, no?

Ah OK - you have a different definition of "envelope" than I do. That's fine.

 > Yes - the Bode-style frequency shifter is a fun and useful effect.
I've done several of them for modular synthesizers using these IIR
all-pass structures:
 > With a dsPIC - http://www.modcan.com/bmodules/dualfs.html
 > With an STM32F303 - http://modcan.com/emodules/dualfreqshifter.html
 > Also with a dsPIC - http://synthtech.com/eurorack/E560/
 > There are example soundfiles at the above sites showing some of the
subtle and radical variations that are possible with different amounts
of shift, feedback and various shifting waveforms.

kewl.  what kinda number crunching can a dsPIC do?  i know what a PIC
is.  so, how wide is the word and how many MIPS can a dsPIC do?  i guess
it's time for me to google search it.

The Microchip dsPIC processors are about 10-15 years old now. They generally have about a 40MIPS instruction rate (although some parts are rated to run faster and you can get away with overclocking them) and they can do a 16x16->48 MAC in a single cycle with simultaneous operand fetching and addressing so convolutions can achieve one tap per clock. They're inexpensive (under $10), have a nice complement of peripherals, on-chip RAM and Flash memory and the development toolchain is free. Most of them have on-chip 12-bit ADCs and some even have 16-bit sigma-delta DACs so it's possible to implement a complete audio processing system with a single chip (albeit somewhat low SNR).

now, here is the touchy question: care to tell us how you designed the
coefficients for the APF pairs?

I mentioned the general process in an earlier email - started with Olli's coefficients, interpolated them from 8 poles to 12 and then optimized with simulated annealing to get improved image rejection.


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