90 deg phase difference all-pass filter pairs... Lemme wave my hands a bit:

It's been years, but I recall I first tried a structure with complex
conjugate pairs of poles (and their companion poles to make the filters
all-pass). Globally optimizing that using Differential Evolution, the poles
"wanted to be" near the real line. The ripples in the phase response
difference of the optimized filters got finer by having two real poles in
place of each complex conjugate pair of poles. The real poles and real
zeros of the two filter paths alternate on the real line like a zebra
stripe black pearl white pearl necklace. One of the paths is delayed
(z^-1) by one sample, which gives the "center pearl" pole. I think the
alternating order reflects the fact that a first-order all-pass filter
gives a 180 deg phase shift end-to-end, and alternating the poles of the
two paths corrects the phase response difference up and down so that we can
stay approximately half-way between 0 deg and 180 deg, at 90 deg. One
optimization here was to make the filter requirements symmetric around
frequency pi/4, so that each positive pole can have a negative companion
pole. This symmetry simplifies the all-pass filter computation.

Artur Krukowski's papers were always over my head.

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