Nikki wrote:

>On Sun, Jan 08, 2006 at 07:47:22AM +0100, Björn Krombholz wrote:
>>But you are not the only one reading this list. What I wanted to say
>>is, that you have to add neither or both.
>If we add one continent, we would have to add them all. What constitutes a
>continent? How many are there in total? They are not clearly defined.
Not defined? How about Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe,
Nord- & South America ?

>EU is clearly defined and also has an ISO code, like other countries, even
>though it's not technically a country (although it exhibits several
>properties of a country). I will gladly submit a patch to include the EU,
>but I can't see us coming to an agreement about which continents even
After a discussion with that label about "EU" and "Europe" they made me
* They publish the records for the Europian continent only.
* If they would publish for the Europian Union, they have to ship the
recordings all over the world (nearly all colonies of France,
Netherlands, Denmark, Portugal, Spain and Great Britain counts to the EU).
* The term 'made in the EU' is only formal to assign EU rights for the
* Real "EU" releases don't exist at all.

The following picture should describe the area of europe - via

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