On Wed, 01 Feb 2006 22:35:44 +0100, Lukáš Lalinský wrote:

This has been discussed many times in almost all of our mailing lists and AFAIK with no results. I think we need to make vocal type optional, so that we can use ARs to say "Artist performed vocal on Track/Album".

I've already changed it on the test server. Here is an example:

How did you do this? I thought this was not possible. Did you hack on the internals or is it possible to specify that a selection of multiple values is optional in the regular RelType interface?

Can we please decide this soon?

"Need OK from Secretary"

IIRC there were poeple (Wolfsong?) arguing that this was not needed. However, I see no reason why a more fine-grained description, that gives you the ability to choose the genral group _or_ one of the specific elements, should be harmful.

I will give you an OK under the following conditions:

- Go through the <http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/ChecklistForStyleChanges> and answer these points:
   What is the impact on existing data?
   Conflicts with other Style Guidelines
   Required Editor Time
   Required Developer Time
   Impact on Paying Clients

- Create a ticket. It is very simple: Management of StyleIssues must be in the open, if only for my job to be taken on by someone else in three months. So please use trac, I will too. The alternateive are obscure lists on my PC that nobody will ever see.

- Wait 24 hours for objections. However, I will ignore objections that do not come with a comprehensible argument that the change is really one for the worse.

  DonRedman, the Secretary

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