On Mar 3, 2006, at 7:47 AM, Don Redman wrote:
No not a single Instrument, but I think that Mo's wholly new instrment tree does need testing. For example it might need some "other" leaves, but this is difficult to tell in theory.

And finally I am growing tired of all these debates about what should be and what should not be. Testing coud help us all to move the focus onto the question whether a solution is *vaible*, whether it works.

Here are a few thoughts on this matter:

1. Mo has an improved instrument tree, we should take a look at it as a starting point. Let's get it loaded on the test server after this sunday. 2. We should appoint an instrument secretary, apart from the main style secretary, who oversees the instrument tree and makes decisions about when/where to add new instruments. 3. I think we should enter in MOST instruments, but not all. I would suggest using criteria like: - If the instrument has a wikipedia entry (that is not marked for deletion or major fixes) it should be added - If not, the person wishing to add the instrument, should find N references to this instrument being used on albums. I would think that 5 references might be a good starting point. - Instruments with less than N references should simply be marked as "other". Or perhaps "other wind", "other strings", "other percussion".


--ruaok Somewhere in Texas a village is *still* missing its idiot.

Robert Kaye     --     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     --    http://mayhem-chaos.net

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