As far as i know the position of "Instrument Secretary" is not held by
anyone (including DonRedman) and is still open and available.

i didn't call anyone specifically spineless. So I don't see that as
confrontational. I'm saying in jest, give the position to someone who
will flip-flop and not because as far as requirements of the position,
that seems to be one.
i was told i didn't fit the position for something where decisions would
be made.. because i stand by my word and don't back down easily. if
anyone that does end up with the position they are going to be expected
to flip flop and basically have no opinion?
Most confrontations I've been involved with on IRC were
misunderstandings on both ends or extreme over reaction on the other.

I respect Don but as I said before, I'm just really tired of waiting
months to get this instrument (or any other instrument) added.


Cristov Russell wrote:
>> I've been waiting over 3 months for an instrument to be added 
>> to MB and jumped through way too many bullshit hoops to get 
>> to where we are now.
>> i'm just looking for it to be added without any further hoops 
>> like i was told by Redman that it would be once Mos thingy 
>> went live. It's been live for over two weeks and still no vacuum.
>> the email is hardly confrontational, i'm requesting someone 
>> follow up on their word.
> While your previous email asking for follow up (quite understandably) might
> be the case, this thread comes across clearly is an attack on DonRedman. You
> can't call someone spineless and expect that to not be considered
> confrontational.
> --
> Cristov (wolfsong)
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