On Tue, 07 Mar 2006 01:38:57 +0100, Jan van Thiel wrote:


Enter every
release as a different entry in the database

I fully agree with Stefan here.

And I very strongly disagree. The current db schema has the Album to store the tracklisting and the release to store different releases of that same audio material.

Adding every release as a seperate album is only viable with a grouping object, i.e. the AlbumObject for releases and the MasterObject for tracks in the ObjectModel. We currently have none of them.

We have a 1:n relationship between Album and Release, and you want to turn this into a factual 1:1 relationship (via SoftStructure) and have an Album for every Release in the DB. Without a real grouping object this is totally insane.

On the Summit Robert made very clear that AR cannot and will not replace the hard-coded primary relationships in the DB. Besides that AR does not offer a grouping object. You would trade the current situation for an unmaintainable DontMakeRelationshipClusters nightmare.

Not the way to go.


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