I do think we should have an attribute of video, or dvd, or other added to
the "album, single, ep...." tree. If it's possible.

Beth aka Nyght

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of derGraph
Sent: Sunday, April 09, 2006 2:42 PM
To: MusicBrainz style discussion
Subject: Re: [mb-style] Evil overlord speaks on DVDs (was: WTF DVD?)

Chris Bransden wrote:
> On 08/04/06, Frederic Da Vitoria <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Just a little question, how will we know (or how do we say) that an
>> entry is a dvd. Maybe this is already handled but I couldn't find any
>> reference to it.
> annotation

I don't think this is a sufficient solution to the problem. On the 
artist's page, the 'album' listing reads "Albums", "Singles", "EPs", 
etc. It currently says nothing about 'videos'.  And this is not a matter 
of the physical medium, but a matter of content. An 'album' might be a 
CD, a casssette, a vinyl disc, ... while a 'video' might be on VHS, DVD, 
Beta, BluRay disc, ... But the content is audio only in the case of an 
'album', but audio and video in the case of 'videos'.

As far as I understood DonRedman's comment, we need an album attribute 
like "video" before we go on inserting music DVDs. As long as we don't 
have such an attribute we could either stop adding DVDs (but I'm too 
much a realist to believe this would happen), or change the album 
titles, maybe
  "[Video] Title"
  "Video: Title".
Sure, such a name change would be against consistent guidelines, but 
this should be only a temporary solution, and once we have the 
appropriate album attribute, we can easily find all the video entries 
and change their titles and attributes.

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