Nikki wrote:
By removing '(album version)', we're making it
completely ambiguous.
I disagree.

For my own use, if the track on the single is the same version as that on the album, it gets no version info because it is *the same track*. When I search for this track I see that it appears in two places: the album and the single. Of course, I can also see version information for other *mixes* of the same track but my concern is how many times this exact track appears in my collection.

Take this example:

The Album Track
The Album Track (album version)

What's different about these? Nothing except they appear on two different items. They are both The Album Track. (album version) is extraneous because there is nothing different about these tracks.

What about compilations? Should we append all tracks there with (album version)? The item to note here is where the track appears: album, compilation, live, single, EP. If it's the same track as the one that's on the album, woot! There's no reason to note it otherwise.

Paula (spacefish)

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