Citerar Paula Callesøe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> But just as (feat. artist B) is not part of the track title, neither is 
> (album version). The problem with MB is that there is no separate field 
> for version information and there really ought to be. And live tracks 
> are always noted by the fact that they either appear on a live item or 
> are appended with (version information) on non-live items.

Not part of the song title obviously, but part of the track title (important
distinction). feat. is a whole different ballgame. That is part of the really
useful style guidelines that talks about how to press real life releases into
the not always so flexible database. We are/were not able to have two artists
as perfomers of the same track, but it does frequently happen in the real
world, therefore we need a way to put this in the database. This is done by
appending a "feat." parenthesis. Compare it to other necessary guidelines as
for example how to group discs that belong to one release together (this is
done by appending (disc X) parenthesis to the title).


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