Lukáš Lalinský wrote:
Robert Kaye wrote:
Agreed 100%. If anyone needs any _more_ reason than that, I can put my
evil overlord hat on. Between TaggerScript becoming a reality and this
reasoning, there is no logical way to support the removal of (Album
version). Period.

Can I take as a final decision and update the wiki pages?

Apart from what I think about album version information, I really don't like 
the form of how this went.
The discussion was open for three days, then a veto was requested inside a mail.
Then the decision was made within 34 hours.
Then the change was announced on a wiki page only that only a few people 
following the most recent discussions on this mailing list even noticed so far.

This is all very suboptimal in my eyes. I didn't plan to step into this 
discussion but other people perhaps did. Given that there was much traffic on 
the mailing list at that time (because of the net releases for one), there was 
rather a lot to read so I think people needed some more time to get into it. 
But three days from the first mail to the veto isn't enough.
The new form of requesting vetos Don suggested and used here isn't obvious enough I 
think. I'd still like to have topic changes ("RFV: (album version)") for that.
And just the mention of ruaok to use his position as "evil overlord" to decide 
on this should be no reason to shorten the veto period drastically.
Finally this is a change with a rather big impact on the data and therefore 
needs to be announced on the mailing list. The new wiki page is nice as a log 
of changes but it doesn't catch everyone's attention - especially since it's a 
very new page.

As a side note this is the second time I notice a decision many people are 
interested in to be made so fast. I think only because many people consider 
this to be important and want this to be changed as soon as possible, we should 
not forget about our formalities.

Thanks for listening,

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