2006/7/27, Bogdan Butnaru <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
On 7/27/06, Beth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think it Is a mistake to simplify if there are standard rules known. [...]
> I think we need to respect the language and artist for each demographic
> and culture if infact we are going to respect any.

I absolutely agree with this. The problem is that this particular case
there is no single set of rules.

I just read through most of the French wiki pages on the subject, and
this comes very clearly from the discussion pages: there is no single

Definitely, I stressed that in the wiki discussion: there isn't one
clear consensus.

standard. The several authorities in the matter simply don't agree on
the matter. Some systems are even impossible to correctly represent
with our software (for example, one system calls for "the Noun" in a
sentence and "The Noun" when the same title starts the sentence). I've
even seen systems calling for the capitalization of all nouns in
French too.

In such cases I think we do have to think hard and pick one system.

Yes :p

And when we have that oportunity, I think the only justified choice is
to pick the simple one.

Making a decision based on the simplicity argument really bugs me.
It's also a fact some/most people today have problem even with
properly spelling french.
That does't mean we should drop grammar and correction, and simply
choose the simple solution (letting people write french
"Instant-Message" style)...

(I'll say that again: I don't advocate simplifying anything. I
advocate simplifying whenever there is no good reason to do it the
hard way.

The good reason to do it the hard way is that it's common practice
with books, especially with the well known La Pléiade collection (I
repeat: common, not universal, as stated by MLL, there are other
editors that use different rules).
Some other editors don't do it, true, and there are other schemes, but
I think the simple "sentence mode" is simply the bad choice.

I for one think our current set of rules is elegant while not being
outrageously complex, and if it's not the full shebang set of rules,
it's enough to have something decently close to typographic usage.

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