On Feb 1, 2008 5:33 AM, Philip Jägenstedt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not sure using elipses is such a great idea, because sometimes 4
> or 5 dots are used on the cover, which can only be done as a series of
> periods. THat would be rather inconsistent. Besides, replacing "..."
> with proper elipses i trivial with tagger script.

But only if you can identify with certainty that it is supposed to be
an elipsis, not a triple full stop.  With all the ideosyncrasities in
titles music, this identification could not be automated with any
accuracy outside of the current topic, which makes Taggerscript
unworkable for general use in this manner.

The opposite replacement, OTOH, is simple to automate, given that a
triple full stop is an acceptable replacement for an elispsis in most

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