On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 03:53:14PM -0700, Kerensky97 wrote:
> "Earliest Release of":
> I think most of these would apply for being grouped with "Cultural
> Identifiers".  Its basically the same release from a different date and
> possibly a few more tracks, which as I understand is the main point of a
> "Cultural Identifier".  

Why 'most'?  why not all?  

Please explain in which situations the 'Earliest Release of' AR is used on 
a release which would not be considered the same 'Cultural Identifier'.

> "Remaster of":
> I think most of these also would be grouped with the original under a
> "Cultural Identifier".  

Same question here.

> "Is a Translation/Transliteration of":
> I don't know about this one.  I wrote up the original AR for this and even
> though I originally imagined it as a non-existent release and just an
> alternate spelling of the original tracks it's become clear that some
> Translations are still official releases like the original.  I think a
> "Translated Official" release should definitely be grouped under the
> Cultural Identifier, because it's the same CD but released in a different
> country with translated text on the back of the album; in most cases the
> music is identical.  But the "Translated Pseudo-Release" should NOT be
> grouped under the Cultural Identifier group because it doesn't technically
> exist.  

This seems very weird to me.  I would want to have them grouped with
the same cultural identifier, they are referring to the exact same
album as the original.  The pseudo-release status makes it clear these
albums don't actually exist, so any software using cultural identifiers
can easily filter them out if it doesn't want to see them.

> "Is a cover of":
> Not commonly used on releases but it can be.  However, I don't think any of
> these would qualify as Cultural Identifier groups since by definition a
> cover is by a different artist.  Same applies for all "Remix of", "Mashup
> of" relationships, it's not really the original album, it's parts mixed with
> other albums to make a new album.

Yes, is a cover of implies different audio content.

I thought this AR would be a good idea when you first posted about it,
but after reading zout's post I also agree with him.  So I want to know
_why_ the existing ARs aren't suitable.  I don't care if ruaok said
they aren't -- that doesn't exempt you or him from explaining why not.

-- kuno / warp.

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