On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 01:49:45PM -0400, neothe0ne wrote:
> http://musicbrainz.org/doc/Performance_Name_Relationship_Type
> http://musicbrainz.org/doc/Same_Artist_With_Different_Names
> http://musicbrainz.org/doc/Artist_Alias#When_NOT_to_use_aliases
> MB makes clear that Performance Names are to be linked to Legal Names, and
> aliases are not supposed to be used for performance names.  That's good, but
> what happens when no one knows an artist's real name?

No link apparently, looking at all those votes.  I voted in favour, but
as you said, it's technically against the guidelines, so I understand
the no votes.  I fear if you want to link these two artists you will have 
to propose changes to the Performs As AR on the musicbrainz-style 
mailinglist, or propose an entirely new AR for this purpose (also on 

> Disregarding the fact that the debate in
> http://musicbrainz.org/show/edit/?editid=10881818 is a complete trainwreck,
> you can be pretty clear, even if you can't read Japanese, that "KOTOKO" and
> "kotoko" are different artists.  KOTOKO has released all her music and
> written lyrics for other songs as "KOTOKO" for nearly 10 years, and she
> specifically announced that "kotoko" would be a side project.  She has
> releases as KOTOKO scheduled for August, and she wrote lyrics for the
> "kotoko 1st Single" as "KOTOKO", so it's not a case of inconsistent artist
> capitalization either.
> I am of the opinion that for all intents and purposes, "KOTOKO" is almost
> like a legal name, and "KOTOKO performs as kotoko" would be an alright edit,
> even though it bends MB guidelines. Because iff "kotoko" can't be linked to
> KOTOKO as a performance name, then there is nothing you can do to link the 2
> artists together, when they should be linked.
> I am hoping we can get some discussion on Performance/Legal Names and see
> everyone else's opinions on this matter, when no legal name is known but one
> performance name is used consistently, almost like a legal name.

Again, to me it seems like an entirely reasonable use of that AR.

-- kuno / warp.

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