> > I am hoping we can get some discussion on Performance/Legal Names and see
> > everyone else's opinions on this matter, when no legal name is known but
> one
> > performance name is used consistently, almost like a legal name.
> Again, to me it seems like an entirely reasonable use of that AR.

For those who don't want to read pages of notes, the main conversation there
deals not actually with the AR, but with the validity of the separation of
the two artists.  I'm still far from convinced, but I'm also not putting
forward a merge edit.

Regarding the edit itself, it's the vague "almost" above which I guess sums
up the problem here.  For the moment, I'll assume that KOTOKO and kotoko
really are two different identities.  Both are performance names.  Given
that this AR links a performance name (definition from our wiki below) and a
real person.

performance name:
"A "performance name" is an alias used by a musician (not to be confused
with the MusicBrainz term, "artist alias"), for marketing or other reasons.
A particular person may have several performance names, and might also
release material under their legal name."

I don't see the AR as being correctly used when used to link two performance
names together, as that implies that one is a performance alias and the
other not a performance alias, which, in a case like this, de facto isn't

I would suggest the annotation route, or, as was (non-seriously, I think)
suggested in the notes, that someone who *really* wanted to set such ARs
should actually go the route of a temporary [special purpose artist]-style
"[unknown person who uses the performance alias KOTOKO]; it's an ugly
solution, but as jesus99 reminds in those notes, that [unknown person...]
artists can always later be renamed to the real name, once the real name is
known, but in the mean time, having such an entry does allow for ARs,
birthdates, and other data to be entered that are specific to the person,
not the role.  (akin to [unknown], but with additional benefits for
recording other person-specific data.)

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