On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 4:06 PM, symphonick <symphon...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 2010-03-27 11:22, Brian Schweitzer skrev:
> > I've been working on this one for a while now.  This is based on the
> > composer and chorus master AR discussions we had during Clean up CSG, a
> > proposal (which stalled out) from Lukas 3 or so years back, another
> > stalled proposal (from symphonik) from 2 or so years back, a
> > conversation with alastairp (plus others) in #mb-dev a few weeks back,
> > plus the recent bandleader discussion.
> >
> > Taking just about any *musical* position one artist could hold with an
> > artist, I've boiled it down to 10 ARs, describing a position of some
> > sort that 1 person artist had or held with another artist, of group type
> > (in 6 cases), person type (in 3), or of either type (1 AR):
> >
> > * Bandleader Position Relationship Type
> > * Choirmaster Position Relationship Type
> > * Concertmaster Position Relationship Type
> > * Conductor Position Relationship Type
> > * Instrument Instructor Position Relationship Type
> > * Manager Position Relationship Type
> > * Music Director Position Relationship Type
> > * Road Crew Position Relationship Type
> > * Teacher Position Relationship Type
> > * Vocal Coach Position Relationship Type
> >
> > I'm still working on the wording for 5 of them, but here's the 5 I've
> > pretty much finished, if anyone wants to start throwing out problems to
> > be fixed prior to RFC.  :)
> >
> >
> http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Proposal:Music_Director_Position_Relationship_Type_Proposal
> >
> http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Proposal:Bandleader_Position_Relationship_Type_Proposal
> >
> http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Proposal:Teacher_Position_Relationship_Type_Proposal
> >
> http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Proposal:Vocal_Coach_Position_Relationship_Type_Proposal
> >
> http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Proposal:Instrument_Instructor_Position_Relationship_Type_Proposal
> > Plus an additional attribute on
> >
> http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Proposal:Supporting_Musician_Relationship_Type_Proposal
> >
> > There's 5 positions I know of which I've not tried to handle, as they
> > all seem more like Location-Artist ARs to me, should we ever get
> > Locations...
> > Artist-in-residence
> > Conductor-in-residence
> > Composer-in-residence
> > Concert Producer
> > Music Supervisor
> >
> > When done, the 10 ARs should cover:
> > Artistic Director
> > Bandleader
> > Bandmaster
> > Choirmaster
> > Concertmaster
> > Conductor
> > Director musices
> > Director of Bands
> > Director of Music
> > Festival Conductor
> > Festival Conductor
> > First Chair
> > Kapellmeister
> > Leader
> > Manager
> > Music Director
> > Organist and Master of the Choristers
> > Répétiteur
> > Roadie
> > Road Manager
> > Teacher (all sorts)
> > Tour Manager
> > Vocal Coach
> > ...plus any valid variations on the above (Emeritus, assistant,
> > associate, etc).
> >
> > Brian
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Musicbrainz-style mailing list
> > Musicbrainz-style@lists.musicbrainz.org
> > http://lists.musicbrainz.org/mailman/listinfo/musicbrainz-style
> Just glancing at your list, I'd view vocal coach & instrument instructor
> as a sub-type of "teacher" (& choirmaster as a sort of conductor)
> Also conductor-in-residence as a sub-type of conductor - or do you mean
> something else than chief conductor? BTW I'm afraid "guest" could be
> used here, which has the potential to turn into something very ugly. :-(
> BTW I have no clue whatsoever what we spoke about 2 years ago - Did I
> propose this? Why? :-)

Iirc, it was re: conductor ARs during clean up CSG.

As for the teacher / vocal coach / instrument instructor ARs, the way the AR
attribute system works, there's no way to make the wording work when you
have both on the same AR, hence why performer and others have two or three
different ARs, one for vocal, one for instrument, (one for orchestra), etc.
In this case, since they have to be separated anyhow, and each of the three
is somewhat a different concept anyhow, I've done it as three different
targeted ARs rather than one more generic one that still would be three
different ARs in implementation.

Re conductor-in-residence, maybe I wasn't clear; those 5 titles -
Artist-in-residence, Conductor-in-residence, Composer-in-residence, Concert
Producer, and Music Supervisor - I'm not attempting to cover with those
ARs.  All 5 seem more artist-location than anything else; linking them
artist-artist might be valid in rare cases, but just as you say, those
catcorners seem that they might bring more problems than anything else were
the "in-residence" concept brought into these ARs.

Re 'guest', I'm not 100% sure what you're referring to as a problematic
potential - could you give a little more info?

Thanks for looking! :D
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