On 29. juni 2010 15:14, Frederic Da Vitoria wrote:
> 2010/6/29 Andrew Conkling
>     On Jun 28, 2010, at 17:08, Frederic Da Vitoria wrote:
>>     2010/6/28 Andrew Conkling
>>         On Jun 28, 2010, at 4:14, Frederic Da Vitoria wrote:
>>         > You were looking for more general formulations. I suggest:
>>         >  - X is the author of the cadenza for track #
>>         >  - track # contains a cadenza whose author is X
>>         >
>>         > ... a little too "verbose", maybe?
>>         I'd say. I'd think "composed" would be good, perhaps "wrote",
>>         or some other synonym; at least those suggestions there don't
>>         seem any better than "composed" or "wrote".
>>         Any further thoughts? Procedural advice? :)
>>     I was precisely trying to avoid "write" because as your proposal
>>     explained, sometimes cadenza's are not written at first. I am
>>     confused because you now seem to be going precisely towards what
>>     you suggested you were trying to avoid. But anyhow this is quite
>>     minor, the text is quite clear and I would be very surprised if
>>     there was a voting war because of this.
>     It was three years ago. :) I would prefer "composed", but agree that
>     the word choice is pretty minor.
> Right. And I answered 3 years ago too :-)
> You still have my:
> +1

+1 from me too

Wording is a bit difficult. I think, but am not sure, that "write" is 
more frequent than "composed" in track lists/liners. It is more common 
on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cadenza

A bigger problem is that tracks may contain more than one cadenza, e.g. 
when all concerto movements are in the same track.

My suggestion now would be

- track # has cadenza by X (or ... has cadenza written by X)
- X wrote cadenza for track #

but I don't think it sounds so good...


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