thanks Paul!
i still think the criteria for a remix becoming a work rather than a
recording need a bit more discussion. credits for additional lyrics or
compositions on such things are going to be the exception rather than
the rule. in fact i would argue that in the vast majority of cases
remixes will introduce additional material, yet very rarely is the
remixer given a composition credit. so my feeling is that by default a
remix a should be a new work (a different duration is usually a
giveaway).  those cases where we are merely dealing with just a
rebalancing of the material (ie a remix in the strict sense of the word)
then could be a recording-recording relationship (in the same way a
remastered recording might).

am i being too philosophical here?

[] On Behalf Of
Paul C. Bryan
Sent: 08 June 2011 23:46
To: MusicBrainz Style Discussion
Subject: Re: [mb-style] Works and remixes/covers

On Tue, 2011-06-07 at 16:16 +0100, Pete Marsh wrote:

        This makes my head hurt, but here's a couple of questions just
to make sure I'm kind of understanding it....

Take 2 ARs and call us in the morning. ;-)

        1) how do we ascertain that a remix has enough new content to
make it a new work? (it's going to be the exception rather than the rule
to have new lyricist/composer credits). it would seem to me that most
contemporary remixes would fall under that category. some are almost
indistinguishable from the original (Aphex Twin has been known to pass
off completely original new works as remixes)

I suggest it be when the derivative work has work attributions that are
distinct from the original (e.g. additional composer or lyricist).

        2) wouldn't the relationship be to a recording, not a work?  so
the remix is a work extrapolated from a recording?

Yes, it would be too. It wouldn't be a remix if it did not contain
recordings from the original it is a remix of. The issue is that a remix
can contain "additional work" of another artist.


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