+1 from me too.

Although I would like to see some official guidelines for handling 
Japanese stuff... Calvin had started working on something, maybe I can 
convince him to finish it. ;)

I've also asked Kuno to reply to this thread (I believe he more or less 
supports it, but I'll let him speak for himself).


Lukáš Lalinský wrote:
> I've seen that many editors are unhappy about the differences between
> track and recording style guidelines. As far as I understand, the main
> goal of the relaxed track style guidelines was to simplify editing for
> new users. This is not what is happening in practice, because all
> tracks have to be linked to recordings and therefore somebody has to
> make sure the recordings follow the style guidelines, which means one
> of these options applies:
>  1) The original editor has to learn the recording style guidelines anyway.
>  2) The original editor ignores recordings and MB starts getting less
> useful data.
>  3) Some other editor fixes the recordings, which adds even more work
> for voters.
> Apart from this issue, I believe that most editors prefer to have
> normalized track titles. There is a minority of users who would like
> track titles that more closely follow album covers, but NGS doesn't
> provide a good technical solution to this.
> I propose that the current recording and release group style
> guidelines are applied to tracks and releases as well. The change
> would involve removing the track/release section from the wiki, and
> modifying other sections to mention that they apply to both recordings
> and tracks. This will gives us a starting point from which we can move
> forward and decide if there are situations where some particular
> recording style guidelines can be relaxed for tracks.
> This proposal does not include classical tracks or any other
> situations that were previously excluded from the normal style
> guidelines.
> Lukas
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